HaoLiu's blog

Disable System Integrity Protection Temporarily

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Some software may be damaged

Apple could not verify "iproxy" is free of malware that may harm your Mac or compromise your privacy.


System Integrity Protection (SIP) is a kernel protection mechanism designed to prevent malicious tampering with the system kernel programs.

Even the root user is restricted from modifying certain directories, such as:

/usr (except for /usr/local)

For some software, installing numerous modules may occasionally infringe upon these protected areas.

Therefore, it is possible to manually disable this feature;

However, this action introduces vulnerabilities to the system, necessitating caution during use.

Disable SIP

To disable SIP, do the following:

  • Restart your computer in Recovery mode.

  • Launch Terminal from the Utilities menu.

  • Run the command csrutil disable.

  • Restart your computer.

Enable SIP

Disabling and Enabling System Integrity Protection

Some Apps In Applications Folder may be damaged

"pyTranscriber-v1.9-mac.app" is damaged and can't be opened. You should move it to the Trash.


in yout terminal, run the following command to remove the quarantine attribute from the app:

sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine /Applications/xxxx.app